2011TAPA FSR货运安全标准评分细节-深圳验厂咨询
更新日期:2017-12-08 11:08:32 已浏览:4118次
Audit Rating Score
Point Value 分值 |
Process & Procedures - Description of Measurement Criteria 流程与程 序:评判标准说明 |
Standard 标准 |
Action 行动 |
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Not present or utilized - No plans to adopt or implement 无相关安全控制程序或规范,有程序或规范但没有使用–或没有计划去采用/ 实施 |
Not Acceptable: 不合格 |
Immediate SCAR 立即实施 SCAR |
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Generally present 有或使用了相关安全控制程序或规范,但存在一定的差距或失误,有计划去提高 |
Acceptable: 合格 |
Meets Requirements 达到要求 |
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Firmly in place and adopted as best practice 有相关安全控制程序或规范,并作为标准工作程序在日常工作中使用 |
Acceptable: 合格 |
Exceeds Requirements 超过要求 |
(M) = denotes mandatory guidelines
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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1. Perimeter Security 周围安全 |
Perimeter Fencing (including gates) 周边围栏/墙(包括大门) |
1.1.1 Cargo handling and shipping and receiving yard enclosed by perimeter fencing. 货物装卸及收发货场周边均有 围栏/墙环绕。 |
No perimeter fencing or gates. 没有围栏/墙或大门。 |
Fencing encloses cargo handling and shipping and receiving yard. 货物装卸、收发货场有围栏/墙环绕。
Fencing height is 6 feet / 1.8 meters or higher. 围栏/墙高于或等于 6 英尺/1.8 米。
Fencing regularly inspected for integrity and damage. 围栏/墙获得定期检查确保完整无损。
Fencing maintained in good condition. 围栏/墙维护良好。
Gate(s) manually-operated and controlled. 大门采用手动操作和控制。
Multi-tenant/Multi-story warehouses docks are fenced and access controlled. 多租户/多楼层仓库装卸区有围栏/墙分隔 且进出受到管制。 |
Fencing encloses entire facility including cargo handling and shipping and receiving yard. 整个设施周边包括货物装卸区、收发货 堆场均有围栏/墙环绕。
Fencing height is 8 feet / 2.4 meters or higher6 feet / 1.8 meters and installed with an electronic (climb-over/tamper) warning system. 围栏/墙高于或等于 8 英尺/2.4 米(或者) 围栏/墙高于或等于 6 英尺/1.8 米并装有电子报警装置(翻越围栏/墙或擅自闯入会触发警报)。
Fencing regularly inspected for integrity and damage. 围栏/墙获得定期检查确保完整无损。
Fencing maintained in good condition. 围栏/墙维护良好。
Gate(s) manned or electronically controlled. 大门有人看守或使用电子控制。
Multi-tenant/Multi-story warehouses docks are fenced and access controlled. 多租户/多楼层仓库装卸区有围栏/墙分 隔且进出受到管制。 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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1.2 CCTV Systems 闭路电视监控系统 |
(M) for A 1.2.1 CCTV external coverage of shipping and receiving yard, including entry / exit point, to cover movement of vehicles and individuals. (A 必选项)闭路电视覆盖外部 收发货场,包括出入口,以监控进出车辆和人员活动情况。 |
No exterior camera coverage of shipping and receiving yard area. 无摄像机覆盖收发货场外部。 |
Shipping and receiving yard covered by exterior B&W cameras so that the movement of vehicles and individuals can be viewed. 收发货场有户外黑白摄像机,可观察进出 车辆和人员活动。
CCTV able to view all inbound and outbound traffic ensuring all vehicles and individuals are identifiable. 闭路电视能监控所有进出车辆,确保能识 别所有车辆和人员。 |
Shipping and receiving yard covered by exterior color or “day/night” cameras so that the movement of vehicles and individuals can be viewed. 收发货场有户外彩色摄像机或者日夜型 摄像机,可观察进出车辆和人员活动。
CCTV able to view all inbound and outbound traffic ensuring all vehicles and individuals are identifiable. 闭路电视能观察所有进出车辆,确保能 识别所有车辆和人员。 |
(M) for A, B, C 1.2.2 CCTV coverage of all external dock area. (A、B、C 必选项)闭路电视 覆盖所有外部装卸区。 |
No exterior camera coverage of dock areas. 无户外摄像机覆盖外部装卸区。 |
Dock areas covered via B&W, color or “day/night” exterior cameras. 户外黑白摄像机或者日夜型摄像机覆盖 装卸区。
Cameras mounted to be able to view most activity around external dock area. 摄像机的安装位置,使其能够监控外部装 卸区的大部份活动。
Vehicles and individuals visible in most cases. 多数情况下可看清车辆和人员。 |
Dock areas covered via color or “day/night” exterior cameras. 户外彩色摄像机或者日夜型闭路电视能 覆盖装卸区。
Cameras mounted to be able to view all activity around external dock area 摄像机的安装位置,使其能够监控外部 装卸区的所有活动。
All vehicles and individuals clearly identifiable. 所有车辆和人员都清晰可辨。 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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(M) for A 1.2.3 CCTV system able to view exterior sides of the facility. (A 必选项)闭路电视监控系统 能够看到设施的外立面。 |
No exterior camera system. 无外部摄像系统。 |
Exterior camera system in place covering exterior sides of facility with doors, windows or other openings. 外部摄像系统能覆盖所有设施的外立面, 包括外部的门、窗及其他开口。
Vehicles and individuals visible in most cases. 绝大多数情况下车辆和人员活动能被摄 像机监控。 |
Color or “day/night” exterior camera system in place covering all exterior sides of the facility. 已在外部安装彩色或日夜型摄像机系 统,用以监控整个设施的外侧。
All vehicles and individuals clearly identifiable. 所有车辆和人员都清晰可辨 All views clear at all times. 所有监控录像都始终清晰。 |
1.3 Lighting 灯光照明 |
1.3.1 Flood lighting of loading/unloading areas. 装卸货区域设有探照灯照明。 |
Lighting does not illuminate loading and unloading areas. 装卸货区域无探照灯照明。
Vehicles and individuals cannot be identified. 车辆和人员无法被辨识。 |
Lighting adequate in loading and unloading areas. 装卸货区域有充足的照明。
Vehicles and individuals visible in most cases 多数情况下车辆和人员均可识别。 |
Lighting provides daylight conditions. 照明强度达到日间作业要求。
All vehicles and individuals clearly identifiable. 所有车辆和人员都清晰可辨。 |
1.3.2 Dock doors illuminated externally at night. 夜晚卸货门外备有照明。 |
Lighting does not illuminate the dock doors. 卸货门外无探照灯照明。 |
Most dock doors illuminated but some fixtures not operating. 多数卸货门设有照明,但有一些照明设备 不能正常工作。 |
All dock doors fully illuminated. 所有卸货门均照明充足。 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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(M) for A, B, C 1.3.3 Exterior and interior lighting levels that support high quality CCTV images and recording. (A、B、C 必选项)内外照明 亮度均支持高清闭路电视图像及录像。 |
Exterior and interior lighting levels are such that CCTV images and recordings aren't visible and clear. 内外照明亮度无法保证闭路电视图像 及录像清晰可辨。 |
Exterior and interior lighting levels are such that CCTV images and recordings are visible and clear. 内外照明亮度足以使闭路电视图像及录 像清晰可辨。
Difficult in some areas to positively identify vehicles and individuals. 在部分区域无法识别车辆和人员。 Interior lights kept on 24x7x366 or activated by alarm or motion detection providing immediate illumination. 内部提供常年无间断照明,或者照明设施 由警报器、移动物体探测器即时激活。 |
Exterior and interior lighting levels are such that CCTV images and recordings are visible and clear. 内外照明亮度足以使闭路电视图像及录 像清晰可辨。
All vehicles and individuals are clearly identifiable. 所有车辆和人员都能清晰可辨。
Interior lights kept on 24x7x366 or activated by alarm or motion detection providing immediate illumination. 内部提供常年无间断照明,或者照明设 施由警报器、移动物体探测器即时激活。 |
1.4 Perimeter Alarm Detection 周围警报探测 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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(M) for A, B, C 1.4.1 All facility external doors alarmed and linked to main alarm system. (A、B、C 必选项)所有设施 通往外部的大门均装有报警器并与主报警系统相连。 |
No alarm system in place monitoring external doors. 通往外部的大门没有安装报警系统。
Alarm system in place but does not alarm on power failure/loss. 通往外部的大门安装有报警系统,但 因电源故障/功率损耗不报警。 |
Alarm system in place monitoring all external doors. 通往外部的大门安装有报警系统且运作 正常。
Alarm system in place and alarms on power failure/loss. 通往外部的大门安装有报警系统,在有电 源故障/功率损耗时也能报警。
Emergency exits alarmed at all times with local audible alarms and linked to security monitoring location. 应急出口始终装有局部发声警报器并与安 全监控中心相连。 |
Alarm system in place monitoring all external doors. 通往外部的大门安装有报警系统且运作 正常。
Alarm system in place and alarms on power failure/loss. 通往外部的大门安装有报警系统,在有 电源故障/功率损耗时也能报警。 Emergency exits alarmed at all times with local audible alarms and linked to security monitoring location. 应急出口均装有局部发声警报器且与安 全监控中心相连。
System alarms on device and/or line failure. 报警装置或线路故障时,系统能自动报 警。
Back-up communication system in place. The facility alarm system must have two means of communication, i.e., hard-line, cellular, satellite, etc, if one is cut the other picks up the signal and transmits it to the primary monitoring location or alternate monitoring location. 安装有备用通讯系统。仓储设施警报系 统必须有两种通讯连接方式,如固定电话线路、移动电话线路和卫星电话线路等。假如一条线路被切断,另一条线路便能接收信号并向主监控中心或替代监控中心发送信号。 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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1.5 Perimeter windows, doors & other openings 周边门窗及其他开口 |
(M) for A, B 1.5.1 All windows or other openings in warehouse walls and roof secured. (A、B 必选项)仓库墙面及屋 顶上的所有窗户及其他开口均装有防护设施。 |
Windows or other warehouse openings not protected through physical means or via alarm system. 窗户和仓库其他开口处没有安装任何 实体防护设施或警报系统。 |
Windows or other warehouse openings protected by physical means (bars, mesh or any other material that would harden opening to burglary). 窗户和仓库其他开口处装有实体防护装 置(栏杆、铁丝网以及其他难以打开的材料以防止入室盗窃)。
Alarm system that specifically covers those openings to detect entry. 装有监控这些开口处的专用报警系统能 在发生非法闯入时报警。 |
Windows or other warehouse openings protected by physical means (bars, mesh or any other material that would harden opening to burglary). 窗户和仓库其他开口处装有实体防护装 置(栏杆、铁丝网以及其他难以打开的材料以防止入室盗窃)。
Alarm system that specifically covers those openings to detect entry. 装有监控这些开口处的专用报警系统能 在发生非法闯入时报警。 |
1.5.2 Ground floor warehouse windows protected by anti-ram posts or other physical barrier. 仓库底层窗户装有防撞击柱子或其它实体屏障。 |
Ground floor windows not protected by any physical barrier. 仓库底层窗户没有安装任何实体屏 障。 |
Ground floor warehouse windows protected by physical barrier other than anti-ram posts. 仓库底层窗户装有防盗栏等实体屏障但 没有防撞击柱子。 |
Ground floor warehouse windows protected by anti-ram posts. 仓库底层窗户装有防撞击柱子。 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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1.5.3 Dock doors of sufficient strength to delay forced entry by use of portable hand tools or ramming by vehicle. 卸货门的强度,足以抵抗使用便 携手动工具强行进入或车辆撞击。 |
Dock doors can be easily penetrated. 卸货门可轻易被破坏进入。 |
Dock doors of significant strength to delay entry. 卸货门的强度足够延缓破坏进入的速度。 |
Dock doors and frames of significant strength to delay entry 卸货门及门框强度足够延缓破坏进入的 速度。
Dock door design prevents ramming. 卸货门可防止车辆撞击。
Dock door design delays or prevents other forced entry. 卸货门可防止或延缓其他形式的强行进 入。 |
1.5.4 Reinforced exit doors from warehouse (steel doors and frames or suitable alternative). 仓库出口处大门(钢制门及门框或适用的替代物)已经加固。 |
Warehouse pedestrian doors can be easily penetrated. 仓库的人行通道门可被轻易破坏进 入。
Hinge pins, if outside, are not spot welded or pinned with tamper proof screws 裸露在外的门合页铰链销没有被点焊 固定或者用防盗螺钉固定。 |
Warehouse pedestrian doors cannot be easily penetrated; hinges on outside are pinned or spot welded. 仓库的人行通道门不能轻易被破坏进入; 裸露在外的门合页铰链销用点焊等方式进行固定。 Latch plates used when applicable. 如可行,可安装插销板。 |
Warehouse pedestrian doors and frames constructed of reinforced steel. 仓库的人行通道门及其门框用钢结构加 固。
Hinges on the inside (excluding designated Emergency Exit doors). 门合页铰链销内置(指定紧急出口大门 除外)。
Latch plates/deadbolt used when applicable. 如可行,可采用插销板/门闩。 |
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1.5.5 Exterior walls and roof designed and maintained to resist penetration by removing building fabric, cutting or ramming by vehicle. 仓库外墙和屋顶的设计及维护 可抵御建筑结构位移、剪切或车辆撞击。 |
Exterior and interior multi-tenant walls can be easily penetrated. 多租户内外隔离墙可被轻易破坏闯 入。 |
Exterior and interior multi-tenant walls and roof constructed/designed and maintained to prevent penetration. (Example: brick, block, tilt up concrete slab). 内外多租户隔离墙和屋顶建造/维护应可 抵御外部破坏闯入(例如:砖墙,障碍物, 垂直混凝土板)。
Exterior and interior multi-tenant walls and roof can be easily penetrated but alarms installed to detect penetration 内外多租户隔离墙及屋顶可被轻易破坏 闯入但已安装警报器,闯入时即可报警。 |
Exterior and interior multi-tenant walls and roof constructed/designed and maintained to prevent penetration. (Example: brick, block, tilt up concrete slab). 内外多租户隔离墙和屋顶建造/维护应 可抵御外部破坏闯入(例如:砖墙,障碍物,垂直混凝土板)。
Alarmed to detect penetration. 发现闯入时报警。
Documented building maintenance plan in place. 有成文的建筑物维护计划。 |
1.5.6 External access to roof (ladder or stairs) controlled. 仓库外部到达屋顶的通道有控 制措施(梯子或楼梯)。 |
External access to roof (ladder or stairs) not controlled. 仓库外部到达屋顶的通道无任何控制 (梯子或楼梯)。 |
External access to roof (ladder or stairs) secured by physical or electronic means. 仓库外部到达屋顶的通道(梯子或楼梯) 装有实体或电子防护措施。
Keys controlled. 通道钥匙均受到控制。 |
External access to roof (ladder or stairs) secured by physical and electronic means. 仓库外部到达屋顶的通道(梯子或楼梯) 装有实体或电子安全设施。
Keys controlled. 通道钥匙均受到控制。
Roof access covered by CCTV. 通往屋顶的通道有闭路电视覆盖。 |
2. Access Control - Office Areas 门禁 - 办公区 |
2.1 Office Entrances 办公区入口 |
Area of Concern 需要关注的方面 |
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(M) for A, B 2.1.1 Visitor entry point(s) controlled. (A、B 必选项)访客到办公区 的各进入点均有控制措施。 |
Access at visitor entry point(s) not controlled. 访客到办公区域的各进入点无任何控 制措施。 |
Access at visitor entry point(s) controlled by a designated employee/guard/receptionist that has been trained on badge issuance, controls, logging visitors, escort requirement, etc. 访客到办公区域的各进入点由受过训练 的指定员工/门岗/前台接待员,负责收发访客证,监控,访客登记和访客陪同安排等。
Visitor entry point(s) covered by CCTV. 访客到办公区域的各进入点有闭路电视 覆盖。 |
Access at visitor entry point(s) controlled by a designated employee/guard/receptionist that has been trained on badge issuance, controls, logging visitors, escort requirement, etc. 访客到办公区域的各进入点由受过训练 的指定/门岗/前台接待员,负责收发访客证,监控,访客登记和访客陪同安排等。
Visitor entry point(s) covered by CCTV. 访客到办公区域的各进入点有闭路电视 覆盖。
Access at visitor entry point(s) securely controlled by electronic card access. 访客到办公区域的各进入点有电子刷卡 系统控制以加强安全管理。
Duress (panic) alarm installed. 安装有紧急情况报警系统。 |
(M) for A, B 2.1.2 Employee entry point(s) controlled. (A、B 必选项)员工到办公区 的各进入点均有控制措施。 |
Employee entry point(s) inadequately controlled, unauthorized parties can gain access to the building/office. 员工到办公区域的各进入点监控不 当,未经授权人可进入大楼/办公室。 |
Employee entry point(s) controlled through access control device. 员工到办公区域的各进入点安装有门禁 系统控制进出。
Missing CCTV. 进入点无闭路电视覆盖。 |
Employee entry point(s) controlled and monitored through electronic access control device. 员工到办公区域的各进入点安装有门禁 系统控制进出。
Employee entry point(s) covered by CCTV. 员工到办公区域的各进入点有闭路电视 覆盖。 |
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(M) for C 2.1.3 Access control processes both during and outside normal operating hours to ensure access is granted only for authorized Supplier employees and visitors. (C 必选项)无论是否正常工作 时间均制定有门禁流程,以确保只允许被授权的供应商员工和访客进出。 |
No access control processes in place to ensure only authorized personnel gain access. 没有门禁流程来确保只允许授权的人 员进入。 |
Access control processes in place outside normal operating hours to ensure only authorized personnel gain access. 在正常工作时间外设有门禁流程,以确保 只允许授权人员进入。
No controls in place for normal operating hours. 正常工作时间内无监控措施。 |
Access control processes in place during and outside normal operating hours to ensure only authorized personnel gain access. 无论是否正常工作时间均制定有门禁流 程,以确保只允许授权人员进入。 |