
更新日期:2017-11-08 17:35:56  已浏览:8895次

2017年10月17日,EICC(电子行业公民联盟)在网站宣布正式更名为Responsible Business Alliance(RBA),以体现其扩大的范围和影响力,所以大家要做的EICC认证将变更为RBA认证。

Oct.17, 2017 – The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), a nonprofitcoalition of leading companies dedicated to improving social, environmental andethical conditions in their global supply chains, today announced it has becomethe Responsible Business Alliance (RBA).



When the EICC was formed in 2004 by a group of forward-thinking electronicscompanies it was called the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct. As the EICCexpanded its scope, programs and tools, it became the Electronic IndustryCitizenship Coalition. Since that time its influence, capabilities, focus areasand membership have expanded dramatically. The shift to the ResponsibleBusiness Alliance marks the next phase of the organization.



“This is an important milestone and we’re excited to take the next step in thisjourney with our members,” said Rob Lederer, Executive Director of theResponsible Business Alliance. “The new brand represents the organizationtoday, conveys its leadership on supply chain CSR issues, and will carry usinto the future as we accelerate engagement with multiple industries,governments and stakeholders around the world.”

RBA的执行董事Rob Lederer表示,“这是一个重要的里程碑,我们很高兴与我们的成员一起踏上这次旅程的下一步。新品牌更好地代表了今日的组织,传达了它在供应链CSR问题上的领导作用,随着我们加速与世界多个行业,政府和利益相关方的往来,将引领我们走向未来。”

In 2016 the EICC updated its definition of membership eligibility, allowing notonly companies that manufacture or contract the manufacture of electronics, butalso companies with products in which electronics are essential to the primaryfunctionality of the product. The new definition opened membership to auto,toy, aviation, and wearable technology companies, among others.


The evolution of the EICC to the RBA is a recognition that electronics areincreasingly common in diverse products and these companies have similar supplychains and shared goals of responsible business practices. The new brand willstrengthen the organization as it leverages best practices, cross-industrycollaboration and the collective efforts of its membership.


In conjunction with the rebrand to the Responsible Business Alliance, theConflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI), which is a multi-industry initiativewith over 360 member companies, will become the Responsible Minerals Initiative(RMI). The CFSI’s new brand better reflects the organization’s direction andexpanding scope beyond conflict and security issues in the tin, tantalum,tungsten and gold (3TG) minerals supply chain from the African Great LakesRegion. The RMI will continue the CFSI mission and vision under its new nameand brand and continue to provide programs, services and tools to encourageresponsible minerals supply chains globally and assist companies withregulatory compliance.

随着责任商业联盟的更名,无冲突采购计划(CFSI)也将成为负责任的矿产计划(RMI),该计划是拥有超过360个成员公司的多行业计划。 CFSI的新品牌更好地体现了组织的方向,扩大了超过非洲大湖区锡、钽、钨和黄金(3TG)矿产供应链中的矛盾和安全问题的范围。 RMI将以其新的名称和品牌继续执行CFSI的任务和愿景,并继续提供方案,服务和工具,以鼓励形成全球负责任的矿物供应链,并协助相关企业遵守法规。
