更新日期:2017-04-28 15:41:29 已浏览:2996次
Labor Hours 工时违规
1.Incomplete / inconsistent time system 不完整 / 不一致的考勤系统
- No time records for piece rate, hourly rate, monthly rate or temp. workers 计件、计时、月薪或临时工人等无工时记录
- Handwritten time records having no accurate on/off duty time and/or workers daily signatures 手工考勤无明确的上下班时间及员工每日签核
- Incomplete time records 不完整的工时记录
- Inconsistent working time information 不一致的工时记录
Walmart Standard: Factories shall maintain employee work hours in compliance with local standards and applicable national law of the countries in which the suppliers are doing business. 沃尔玛要求:工厂应具备完善的工时系统,准确记录所有员工的工作时间
Any of the 4 types of time recording is acceptable - WM Standard
Egregious working hours 严重超时加班
- Working hours over Walmart maximum tolerance (6 or 7 days) 每周工作时间超出沃尔玛最大容许
- Total working hours exceed Walmart maximum tolerance (multiple shifts) 翻班工作的工人24小时内的累计工作时间超过Walmart验厂最大容许
- Comprehensive working hour system is not acceptable however compensation leave within one pay cycle is deemed to be appropriate
- Supplier shall maintain reasonable work hours as per local laws
- Supplier shall work towards 60 hours/week and ensure workers are provided with 7th day rest