更新日期:2020-06-12 13:59:17 已浏览:2372次
企业开始运营半年内,必须经当地劳动部门批复,成立至少有5名成员的,临时的厂内工会组织(业内也称Grassroots Trade Union)。企业运营1年内,必须经高一级地方工会组织批复意见,成立正式永久的厂内工会组织。
LABOR LAW, ARTICLE 153:The local or industry Federation of Labor (FoL) is responsible for setting up a provisional Trade Union at enterprises with at least 5 union members within 6 months of the start of operations.
Within 12 months, the temporary Executive Board must suggest to the higherlevel Trade Union to issue the decision to set up a permanent company Trade Union.
企业开始运营半年内,必须经当地劳动部门批复,成立至少有5名成员的,临时的厂内工会组织(业内也称Grassroots Trade Union)。企业运营1年内,必须经高一级地方工会组织批复意见,成立正式永久的厂内工会组织。
LABOR LAW, ARTICLE 153:The local or industry Federation of Labor (FoL) is responsible for setting up a provisional Trade Union at enterprises with at least 5 union members within 6 months of the start of operations.
Within 12 months, the temporary Executive Board must suggest to the higherlevel Trade Union to issue the decision to set up a permanent company Trade Union.
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