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Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Section 1: Factory Facilities & Environment


1.1、"Does factory look clean and organized in: production lines, storage of materials and products, rework
/ repair areas, inspection, and packing areas?

1.2、"Does factory have sufficient lighting and ventilation in relevant working / storage areas?

1.3、"Does factory maintain a suitable and secure environment for production and storage of products?

1.4、"Does factory's facilities (incl. production equipment, tooling) and their maintenances look good?

1.5、"Does factory have and maintain sanitation and/or pest controls in certain production workshops and
/ or warehouses, as necessary? 

Section 2: Quality System, Documentation Control, Training

2.1、"Does factory have a documented quality manual to define the factory's quality policy, objectives, and
outline the high level quality operations?  And the quality manual contents have been clearly communicated and understood by factory's management staff?

2.2、"Does factory have documented operation procedures and necessary work instructions to guide
people to operate consistently and effectively achieve results as expected,  And the procedures and work instructions are understood by related employees?

2.3、"Does factory control documents properly, i.e. review and approval, distribution, change control, etc.?
The controlled documents should include external standard documents, and technical documents like spec., drawing, BOM, standard samples, etc..

2.4、"Does factory clearly define quality records needs in various quality operations, and the retention
time of those records? 

2.5、Does factory properly keep the quality records, that includes identification, keeping in rigth environment, easy retrieval of records, etc.? 

2.6、"Does factory have an independent Quality Department, with QA/QC personnel authorized to inspect
products and materials, and take necessary actions to assure quality? 

2.7、"Does factory have a well implemented training program for workforces and QA/QC personnel, that
includes training of product knowledge, production processes, inspection & testing, and, right operations of production, testing, and measuring equipment in production and in-house lab?

2.8、"Do factory's on-job production and QA/QC personnel have adequate knowledge of quality
requirements for the product categories being sourced, relevant materials, and the production processes? 

Section 3: Product Development Control

3.1、Does factory have right knowledge, experiences and competent engineers / technicians to develop the type of products being sourced? 

3.2、"Does factory have good knowledge on safety and regulatory requirements in US/CA/EU/JP markets for the type of products, such as CARB,CA Prop 65 (limits, contaminations)?
(工厂是否了解不同市场例如美国,加拿大,欧盟,日本等的法规方面的要求, 像CARB,CA65等)

3.3、"Does factory have a process to review with customers to define product requirements, that should include certain spec. product performance, safety, durability, etc. for product development?

3.4、"Does factory's product development plan for product's construction / functions, required materials / components, prototype sample making, review / verification arrangement for product design, etc.?

3.5、"Does factory's product development output right / updated product spec., drawings, and/or samples, to provide instructions for production, purchasing, and quality controls?

3.6、"Does factory have a process to control (propose, review & approve, communicate) changes to product / package, that includes communicating the changes to customer's approval?
(工厂是否有相应的流程去管控产品/包装变更, 包括通知客户并得到客户的批准)

3.7、"Does factory have competent engineer / technician who can develop, review / verify product package
contruction for the type of products? 

3.8、Does factory have in-hosue capability to develop, review / verify User Manual, Assembly  Instruction, etc. for the type of products? 

3.9、"Does factory conduct right product tests (or submit to 3rd party test) to verify that product complies to the customer's and regulatory requirements before release for production?

3.10、"Does factory hold in house Pre-Production Meeting to communicate product quality  requirements to production teams before mass production starts?

Section 4: Purchasing Control & Materials Control

4.1、"Does factory have a method / process to evaluate and select its suppliers (incl. subcontractors) based on their ability to meet quality requirements and delivery requirements?

4.2、"Does factory have a method / process to evaluate and approve the materials / components before

4.3、"Does factory clearly communicate quality requirements to its suppliers when purchase materials or
outsource any production processes?

4.4、"Does factory have a mechanism to measure suppliers' quality performances to ensure right suppliers are being used to consistently supplying right quality materials / components

4.5、"Does factory clearly define inspection and testing requirements for incoming materials / components, that should include sampling plan, inspection / test items, acceptance criteria?
(工厂是否清晰地定义原材料和零件的检验和测试要求, 包括抽样计划,检验/测试内容,收货标准等)

4.6、"Does factory conduct inspection / tests for incoming materials / compoents according to the defined requirements, documented drawing / spec., product requirements, reference samples, and certain inspection / testing work instructions? 
定义的要求包括受控的图纸/标准, 产品要求, 客户样板, 以及检验/测试指导书等)

4.7、"Does factory request for test report and/or compliance certificate (e.g.: RoHS, CA Prop 65) for the materials / components from suppliers to prove quality and compliance when factory itself is not able
to inspect / test them? 

4.8、"Does factory clearly identify inspection status for incoming goods, separate the goods that passed inspection, not inspected, failed inspection, or, segregated materials for specific markets, e.g.: CARB P2 from other noncompliant materials, etc. properly to prevent mix or unintended
(工厂是否清晰地定义来料的检验状态, 正确区分出检验合格, 待检验, 检验不合格, 不同目标市场物料等, 区分CARB

4.9、"Does factory clearly define and implement processes / authorities for disposition of  nonconforming incoming goods, that could be RTV, rework & reinspect, approved concession?
(工厂是否清晰地定义并执行来料不良品处理的流程/权限, 可能是退货, 重工, 重检验, 批准豁免)

4.10、"Does factory keep incoming inspection records and the relevant disposition records, that demonstrate effective execution of incoming inspection operation?
(工厂是否保存好来料检验记录和相关处理记录, 证明工厂有效地执行来料检验)

4.11、"Does factory store the materials and components in areas / warehouses with appropriate environment, stack and rotate stocks properly, like FIFO (First In First Out) to prevent materials / components from deterioration or over stock due date?
(工厂的原物料/零件仓是否有合适的储存环境,正确的储存和周转, 执行先进先出避免原物料/零件劣化或过期)

4.12、"Does factory identify products / materials properly with models,, item #, receiving dates, etc. to  prevent unintended use of wrong quality materials /
(工厂是否用模型,物料编号,来料日期等正确地识别物料/产品, 避免非预期使用错误的物料/产品.)

4.13、Does factory separate RoHS/REACH and non-RoHS/non-REACH goods properly in all storage areas?

4.14、Does factory handle, transport materials, components and WIPs appropriately to prevent products from damages, scratches, etc.? 

4.15、"Does factory do regular stock taking, and control receiving and dispatching of inventories properly?
(工厂是否有周期性的库存盘点, 确保收发账目的正确性)

Section 5: Production and In-process Quality Control (General Part)

5.1、"Does factory plan productions properly for customers' orders, by considering purchasing and production lead time, available capacity, etc., and maintain a good record of on-time delivery?
(对于客户订单工厂是否有准确的生产计划, 考虑采购和生产准备时间, 可用产能等, 保持好的准时交货表现.)"

5.2、"Does factory have a process plan for individual products, to outline manufacturing processes (incl. outsourced ones), identifying key process control points?
(工厂是否有流程计划,概述出整个制造流程(包括外包流程), 识别出关键控制点

5.3、"Does factory arrange manufacturing processes with appropriate allocation of material / component, equipment, working forces, in-process inspection / tests, etc. for the products? Where product quality can't be verified by subsequent inspection/ testing, the process has been validated?
(工厂是否正确地安排生产, 恰当地分配物料/零件,设备,人力,过程检验/测试等, 当某工位产品质量不能被后续检验/测试证实时,此工位必须是被验证过的)

5.4、"Does factory prepare and provide necessary work instructions, reference samples, etc. with defined working methods, quality acceptance criteria, and/or defects classifications, at certain workstations for
production or inspection use?
(工厂是否准备好必要的工作指引,参考样板等, 在确定的工位有已经定义好的工作方法,
质量接收标准, 以及不良分类等支持生产和检验)

5.5、"Does factory's Production/QC review and sign off the first articles of in-process and finished products to ensure that they meet the requirements with regard to specification, quality &

5.6、"Does factory use appropriate jigs / fixtures as necessary to control consistency of positions, direction, level, gaps etc. in relevant production processes?

5.7、"Does factory control process parameters (like: temperature, humidity, speed, torque, pressure, etc.) in production to ensure product quality is achieved?

5.8、"Does factory production select right quality materials / components, and/or control recycle  materials percentage (e.g.: plastic injection materials) for production use, to ensure the output products having right quality?

5.9、"Does factory production always apply sufficient auxiliary materials (like glue, paint), and use proper
production reference samples (like color panels) to control production processes, to ensure product construction integrity and finish conformity?
并且应用适当的参考样板(色版)去控制生产过程, 以达到产品结构和成品的符合性)

5.10、"Does factory plan and conduct production equipment maintenances properly, to ensure precision and good conditions of the production equipment? 

5.11、"Does factory have production lines and toolings solely dedicated for RoHS/REACH compliant

5.12、"Does factory have method to control and prevent risks of physical, chemical and biological (incl. molds) contaminations that may damage the product and/or

5.13、"Does factory define, communicate, and correctly follow the package requirements (package materials, package method, labeling, packing list, etc.) in

5.14、Does factory identify products / components properly in production to prevent unintended use, where necessary, provide traceability? 

5.15、"Does factory clearly define in-process inspections, include inspection needs at various stages, frequency / sampling plan, inspection and testing methods, equipment to use, quality requirements and acceptance criteria, etc.?

5.16、"Does factory conduct in-process inspections according to the defined requirements, at appropriate stations, against the defined product spec., drawing, sample, etc.?

5.17、"Does factory record inspection results and findings, feedback / review with productions as

5.18、"Does factory clearly identify inspection status of products in production lines, segregate
nonconforming products properly? 
(工厂是否清晰地识别产品的检验状态, 正确地区分出不合格品)

5.19、"Does factory define and implement processes / authorities for disposition of nonconforming 
products in productions, that could be rework & reinspect, approved concession, etc.?
(工厂是否定义和执行不良品处理流程和权限, 可能包括重工,重检,批准豁免)

Section 6: Final Inspection &Test

6.1、"Does factory clearly define inspection requirements for the finished products, especially for critical features like, construction, performances, safety and serviceability, etc., and, define the inspection sampling plan, acceptance criteria?

6.2、"Does factory train its QA/QCs to clearly understand quality requirements for the products and  inspection processes (i.e.: inspection and test items / needs, methods & tooling, frequencies / sampling plan, acceptance criteria, etc.)?

6.3、"Does factory conduct final inspections according to the defined process, against relevant drawings /
specifications, product specific requirements, reference samples, and conduct adequate tests to verify products' safety, and fit for use, durability, etc.?

6.4、"Does factory record final inspection results and findings, feedback / review with productions for corrective action / improvement opportunties?

6.5、"Does factory clearly identify inspection status of final products, segregate nonconforming products
(工厂是否清晰地识别检验产品的状态, 隔离出不良品)

6.6、"Does factory define and implement a process to dispose the rejected products, that could be: rework and re-inspection, accept on deviation, etc., and, communicate to customer's
(工厂是否有定义和执行不良品处理流程, 可能包括重工,重检,接收差异等, 并且得到客户的批准)

6.7、"Does factory have a correct shipping operation process in place to control that products are NOT  shipped until they have passed final inspection?

Section 7: Control of Measuring and Testing Equipment

7.1、"Does factory maintain the gauges, measuring / test equipment always in a good / usable condition?

7.2、"Does factory have a master list and plan for calibration of the measuring and test equipment that
are used in production, inspections for receiving goods, in-process & final products, and test operations? 

7.3、Does factory arrange calibrations for all measuring and test equipment at appropriate intervals to ensure the equipment are suitable and accurate to measure and verify products' acceptance, and the calibrations are traceable to national / international standards?

7.4、"Does factory record, identify calibrations, define and implement a procedure to recall products when equipment is found not in calibration

Section 8: CAP and Continuous Improvement

8.1、"Does factory have a CAP process, that should define conditions to initiate CAP, and the CAP work flow should include containment, causes investigation, corrective actions to eliminate causes and prevent recurrence, and follow up / verify effectiveness?

8.2、"Does factory have a method to review and respond to customer complaints / returns / claims that includes customer's inspection / testing fails, and, the factory investigates causes, takes necessary corrective actions to prevent recurrence?

8.3、"Does factory request for and follow up necessary corrective actions when there are significant quality issues happened in factory's productions or with products from its suppliers, etc.? 

8.4、"Does factory do necessary quality data collection and analysis by using certain quality tools, so as to precisely identify quality problems and improvement opportunities? 

8.5、Does factory initiate corrective actions and/or quality improvement projects based on quality data analysis? 

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