


Q Q:2374852124



更新日期:2022-05-30 15:22:57  已浏览:2445次

1.To initiate an Audit request against your own facility within the RBA-Online system you will go to the “My Audits" page under the Audit Tab

要在 RBA-Online 系统中针对您自己的设施发起审核请求,您将转到“审核”选项卡下的“我的审核”页面

2.You will be brought to the following screen that will hold a list of all previous audits that you have completed


From here select the "Initiate Audit"button in the top left


3.This will open a window for you to enter the information that relates to the audit you would like to initiate


Select the Facility you would like to have the audit initiated against


4.Then Select the Audit type that you are initiating


·Initial Audit - Biannual Audit, valid for two years from end date

·初始审计 - 半年度审计,自结束之日起两年内有效

·Closure Audit - Audit to Close out any Additional Findings

·结案审计 - 审计以结清任何其他发现

·Priority Closure Audit -Audit to close out any Priority Findings

·优先结束审计 - 审计以结束任何优先调查结果

5.lf you selected Initial Audit you will be asked to enter the following information


·Audit Category- What audit standard are you requesting


·Business Type-What is the type of business that you have


·Audit Scope- What is the scope of the Audit requesting


·Requesting Company-The customer who requested that you complete this audit. lf this is blank you mustprovide a reason in the text box

·请求公司 - 要求您完成此审核的客户。 其中为空白,您必须在文本框中提供原因

·Attachment B Companies-Customers who will have access to this audit based on trading relationships

·附件 B 公司 - 根据贸易关系可以访问此审计的客户

·Attachment B Companies POC-Additional email or contacts at the Attachment B companies that you would likenotifications to be sent to

·附件 B 公司 POC - 您希望将通知发送到的附件 B 公司的其他电子邮件或联系人

CAP Manager- Who will manage any Corrective Actions after the audit is complete

CAP 经理 - 审核完成后将管理任何纠正措施

Preferred Audit Date-This is a date range on when you would prefer the audit to take place

首选审核日期 - 这是您希望进行审核的日期范围

Payer- Entity that is responsible for the payment of the audit

付款人 - 负责支付审计费用的实体

Auditee POC- Point of Contact for the facility being audited

受审核方 POC - 被审核设施的联络点

Auditee CC-Additional contacts for the facility being audited

受审核方 CC-被审核设施的其他联系人

SA Recipient- Person who will be responsible for the singing of the Scoping Agreement

SA 接收方 - 负责起草范围界定协议的人

Billing POC- Point of Contact for all Billing and Invoicing

计费 POC - 所有计费和发票的联系点

Comment-Optional, provides the ability to leave a comment about this audit request

评论 - 可选,提供对此审计请求发表评论的能力

6.lf you selected Closure Audit or Priority Closure Audit you will be required to enter the following information


Requesting Company- The customer who requested that you complete this audit. lf this is blank you must provide a reason in the text box

请求公司 - 要求您完成此审核的客户。 其中为空白,您必须在文本框中提供原因

Attachment B Companies-Customers who will have access to this audit based on trading relationships

附件 B 公司 - 根据贸易关系可以访问此审计的客户

Attachment B Companies POC-Additional email or contacts at the Attachment B companies that you would likenotifications to be sent to

附件 B 公司 POC - 您希望将通知发送到的附件 B 公司的其他电子邮件或联系人

CAP Manager- Who will manage any Corrective Actions after the audit is complete

CAP 经理 - 审核完成后将管理任何纠正措施

Preferred Audit Date-This is a date range on when you would prefer the audit to take place

首选审核日期 - 这是您希望进行审核的日期范围

Payer- Entity that is responsible for the payment of the audit

付款人 - 负责支付审计费用的实体

Auditee POC- Point of Contact for the facility being audited

受审核方 POC - 被审核设施的联络点

Auditee CC- Additional contacts for the facility being audited

受审核方 CC- 被审核设施的其他联系人

SA Recipient- Person who will be responsible for the singing of the Scoping Agreement

SA 接收方 - 负责起草范围界定协议的人

Billing POC-Point of Contact for all Billing and lnvoicing

所有计费和发票的计费 POC 联系点

Findings Ready for Closure Audit- Check the findings that are ready to be reviewed during this audit

准备结案审核的发现 - 检查准备在此审核期间审查的发现

Comment-Optional, provides the ability to leave a comment about this audit request

评论 - 可选,提供对此审计请求发表评论的能力


Initial Audit Initiation Page


Closure Audit Initiation Page



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