更新日期:2018-06-22 09:31:32 已浏览:3619次
Documents List forSAAudit
1. 营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2. 社会责任体系认证证书 (SA certificate);
3. 环境管理体系认证证书 (EMS certificate);
4. 职业卫生安全管理体系认证证书 (OHSAS Certificate);
5. 食堂卫生许可证(Hygiene permit for dining facility)
6. 排污许可证(Environmental permit)
7. 医生/护士执业资格证书(Qualification certificate fordoctorand nurse)
8. 厨师健康证(Health certificate for cook)
9. 特种作业人员资格证书(Qualificationcertificate forspecialoperation:Electrical work/Boiler work/Elevator work/Pressurized containers work/Weighting lifting operation/Metal welding/Explosure operation/Under pit work/Driving)
10. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
11. 员工手册(含厂纪厂规、薪资福利规定)-Employee manual (employee code of conduct, factorymanagement rules,salary and benefits policy/instructions).
12. 员工花名册(包含姓名、工号、部门、职位、出生日期、身份证号码、进厂日期)-Employee list (shouldat least including employee name, work ID#, department, position, birth date, ID# and hiring date)
13. 员工档案(含入职登记表、身份证复印件、劳动合同)-Employee personnel file (at least including basic information form, ID copy and labor contract)
14. 建筑物安全验收合格证 (Buildingconstructionsafety inspection reports)
15. 建筑物消防验收合格证 (Building fire safety inspection reports)
16. 未成年工登记表 (Juvenile workersregistrationrecords)
17. 未成年工体检表 (Juvenile workers physical examination records)
18. 当地最低工资标准文件规定 (Local minimum wages notice)
19. 综合计时/延长加班时间申请批文(Approval for comprehensive work hour system and extending work hours)
20. 工资表(最近一年)-Payrolls (the latest 12 months)
21. 考勤记录(最近一年)-Attendance records (at least 12 months)
22. 请假单-Employees leave request form
23. 辞职单-Employees resign records
24. 员工奖惩通知/公告(Notice for rewards andpunishments)
25. 社保收据及证明 (Socialinsurance receipts and waive approval)
26. 消防培训记录 (Fire safety training records)
27. 消防演习记录 (Fire safety drills records)
28. 特种设备使用登记证书 (Registrationforspecialequipments: elevator, air compressors and etc.)
29. 特种设备安检报告/证书(Safetyinspectionreports/certificate for special equipments)
30. 急救手册 (First aid manual/guideline)
31. 急救员培训合格证明 (Qualificationcertificate for first aid personnel)
32. 卫生安全培训记录 (Health and safety training records)
33. 机器安全操作培训 (Machines safetyoperationtraining records)
34. 化学品安全使用培训 (Chemical substances safety training records)
35. 环境(废水、废气、噪音)监测报告 (Monitoring reports for waste water, waste gas and noises)
36. 断针政策/记录(Broken needle policy and records-onlyapplicablefor sewing and cutting processes)
37. 利器控制程序 (Sharp tools control procedure/records)
38. 验针记录 (Metal/needle detection records-only applicable for sewing and cutting processes)
Documents List for QMS Audit
1. 营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2. 质量体系认证证书 (QMS certificate);
3. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
4. 质量手册 (Qualitymanual);
5. 程序文件 (Quality procedure);
6. 质量体系内审计划 (QMS internal audit plan);
7. 质量体系内审记录 (QMS internal audit records):
1) 内审员资格证书 (Internal auditorqualificationcertificate);
2) 首末次会议 (Opening meeting and close meeting records);
3) 检查表 (QMSinternalaudit checklist);
4) 不符合项报告 (QMS internal audit NC reports);
5) 内审报告 (QMS internal audit report)
8. 质量体系管理评审计划 (QMS management review plan)
9. 质量体系管理评审记录 (QMS management review records):
1) 管理评审会议记录 (QMSmanagementreview meeting record);
2) 管理评审报告 (QMSmanagementreview report);
3) 决议事项的跟进记录 (QMS management review decisions follow-up records)
10. 主要生产设备清单 (Majorproductionmachinery list);
11. 设备保养计划 (Machinerymaintenance schedule);
12. 设备保养记录 (Machinery maintenance records);
13. 仪器清单 (Test andmeasureequipmentlist);
14. 仪器校准计划 (Test and measure equipment calibrationschedule);
15. 仪器校准记录 (Test and measure equipment calibrationrecords):
1) 外校报告 (Externalcalibrationreports);
2) 内校人员资格证书 (Internal calibration personnel qualification)
3) 内校规程 (Internalcalibrationinstruction);
4) 内校报告 (Internal calibration reports).
16. 年度培训计划 (Annual training plan)
17. 培训记录 (Training records):
1) 签到表 (Training attendeesignature);
2) 测试卷 (Training effectivenessverificationrecords).
18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录)-Quality personnel certification records (including training and examination records);
19. 新产品设计开发资料 (New products design and development records):
1) 产品规格书 (Productspecification);
2) BOM表(BOM);
3) 安规认证证书 (Safety certificate);
4) 样品检测报告 (Design samples test and inspection reports)
5) 试产记录 (Pilot runs record);
6) 试产评估报告 (Pilot runs review records);
7) 作业指导书 (Work instruction);
8) 检验标准 (Inspection standard);
9) FMEA分析资料(FMEA analysis report);
10) 产品质量控制计划(QC工程图)-Productqualitycontrol plan/chart.
20. 订单评审记录 (Order review records);
21. 新供应商资格评定报告 (New suppliers evaluation reports)
22. 现有供应商质量、交期、价格及服务定期评分表 (Suppliersperformance rating score inquality, delivery, price and services);
23. 原材料采购订单 (Materials purchasing order);
24. 原材料规格承认书 (Materialsspecifications)
25. 进料检验作业指导书 (incominginspectionprocedure/instructions);
26. 进料检验标准 (Incoming inspection standards);
27. 进料检验样板清单及定期评估记录 (Incominginspectionsamples list and its periodic review records);
28. 进料检验记录 (Incominginspectionrecords);
29. 不合格来料处理记录(含供应商纠正预防措施报告)-Non-conforming materials handling records (including supplier corrective and preventive reports);
30. 原材料保存周期规定 (Materials storage periodinstruction);
31. 原材料过期重检记录 (Materials periodic re-inspection records);
32. 控制图表及超限处理记录 (Control charts and corrective andpreventiverecords for the process/products out ofcontrollimit);
33. CPK应用指引 (CPKusage guideline);
34. CPK测量记录及制程能力不足时的改进记录 (The improvement actions for the incapable process);
35. 生产作业指导书 (Workinstruction);
36. 制程检验作业指导书 (In-process inspection procedure/instruction);
37. 制程检验标准 (In-process inspection standards);
38. 制程检验记录 (In-process inspection records):
1) 首件检验记录 (First article inspection reports);
2) 巡检记录 (Productionline tour inspection records);
3) 抽检记录 (Sampling inspection records)
39. 制程不合格品的处理记录(含纠正预防措施报告)-In-process non-conforming products handling records (including corrective and preventive actions report);
40. 制程检验不良统计报表(周报/月报,柏拉图)-In-processinspectiondefects analysis report (weekly/monthly report, Plato figure).
41. 停线管理规定及记录 (Production stop procedure and records);
42. 成品检验作业指导书 (Final inspection procedure/instruction);
43. 成品检验标准 (Final inspection standards);
44. 成品检验记录 (Final inspection records);
45. 不合格成品处理记录 (Non-conforming products handling records):
1) 返工、返修记录 (Rework, repair records);
2) 重检记录 (Re-inspection records)
3) 纠正预防措施报告 (Corrective and preventive actions report).
46. 成品入库单 (Finished products warehouse-in records);
47. 产品可靠性及环境测试计划及记录 (Products reliability and environmental test plan/schedule and records);
48. 数据分析程序 (Data analysis procedure);
49. 质量目标统计资料 (Data analysis records-mainly focus onqualityobjectives analysis records).
50. 客户沟通资料 (Customercommunicationrecords);
51. 客户投诉处理程序 (Customer complaints procedure);
52. 客户投诉处理记录 (Customer complaints handling reports).
Documents List forC-TPATAudit
1. 营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2. C-TPAT认证证书(C-TPAT/GSV certificate);
3. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
4. 反恐手册(含反恐方针)-Securitymanual(includingsecurity policy)
5. 车辆进出检查表 (Trucks/trailers/container inspection records)
6. 货柜检查表 (Container inspection records)
7. 装柜单 (Shipping order andpackinglist)
8. 封条登记表 (Seals issues records)
9. 货物短装/过剩处理程序/记录(Overage/shortage procedure and records)
10. 异常报告程序 (Reporting procedure foranomalies or illegal activities)
11. 来访登记表 (Visitors log)
12. 邮件/包裹检查表(Mail and packagesinspectionrecords)
13. 供应商/外包商反恐评估报告(Suppliers security evaluation reports)
14. 供应商/外包商反恐协议(Suppliers security agreements)
15. 电脑密码更新记录 (Computer password change records)
16. 员工物品检查表 (Employees personal items inspection records)
17. 保安上岗证 (Qualification for security personnel)
18. 员工背景调查记录 (Employees background check records)
19. 反恐培训计划 (Security training plan/schedule)
20. 反恐培训记录 (Security training records)
21. 保安合同 (Securitycontract)
22. 钥匙发放记录 (Keys issues/return records)
23. 厂证收发记录 (Work ID badge issue/return records)
24. 员工离职单 (Employee resign records)